Pet Scan : 6 Of The Most Famous Big Dog Breeds And What You Need

6 of the world's largest dog breeds 

Living with a large active dog breed can be an exceptionally satisfying experience. However, while a large breed of dog can become ideal for countless people; Potential homeowners need to be well informed about many factors, including health issues and the reduced life expectancy of countless large dog breeds. We are looking at 6 of the most famous big dog breeds and what you need if you are thinking of adopting one ...


Features: The Rottweiler dog breed is of medium to large size. The breed is native to Germany, where it was used to pull carts and cattle for butchers and farmers. He is mentally and physically strong, but he needs careful training to respect his owner as a "pack leader".
Health Problems: The Rottweiler is one of the dog breeds most affected by hip dysplasia. This condition can range from mild to severe. Severe cases are very painful and usually require surgery to fix it. The dog is also part of the breeds suffering from congenital heart disease, also called aortic stenosis.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Features: The Bernese Mountain Dog belongs to Switzerland. It measures well up to 69 cm, making it ideal for its conventional roles of helping to pull carts and cattle. With a gentle disposition and long hair, he is a warm and welcoming family pet.
Health problems: The Bernese Mountain Dog is a breed of healthy dog, unlike the others, but the owner must note the possible conditions that may result from its size. These conditions include elbow dysplasia, a degenerative disease that is sometimes found in large breeds of dogs.

Newfoundland Dog

Features: The Newfoundland dog breed is a powerful and large dog, ideal for the family. He was originally used as a working dog to draw wood or fisherman's nets for loggers, he is a brilliant swimmer.

Health problems: There are sometimes breaks in the cruciate ligament of Arteria in the breed. Based on the level of severity, this type of injury can result in surgery, hence the need for adequate dog insurance. The dog breed of Newfoundland can sometimes suffer more dangerously from gastric torsion. This turns out to be a potentially deadly condition by which the stomach stretches due to an increase in gas and can cause a twisting of the stomach. It is found mainly in large dogs with deep chest.

Irish Greyhound

Features: This huge 86 cm high dog made him ideal for his conventional roles of shooting and chasing men from their horses during wars. Thanks to his ability to create deep bonds with his owner and his desire to participate in all aspects of the family's life, this dog has the ability to create a pet ideal for the family.
Health Problems: Due to the size of his Irish Greyhound dog breed, he may also be exposed to bone cancer, hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. Other conditions that may affect this breed include heart disease caused by thin heart muscle and the inability to contract properly.


Features: A cross between a St. Bernard, a Newfoundland and the Great Pyrenees, it is not surprising that the breed of dogs Leonberger can measure 80 cm in height. He likes to stay with people and requires about an hour of exercise each day, like many other giant dog breeds.
Health problems: The size of Leonberger increases the risk of having panosteitis (inflammation of the bones) and hip dysplasia. This happens when the big bones of the paws of young dogs become inflamed, which makes it extremely painful. Ave

Great Dane

Features: The Great Dane dog breed is a majestic dog of true beauty that has an aura of nobility due to its large size up to 86 cm. He is a bit of a nice giant and enjoys spending time with his people.
Health problems: Although his size is an asset for his initial goal as a hunting dog, his health can suffer. Like Newfoundland and suffering from gastric torsion, the Great Dane dog breed is also at higher risk for bone cancer than a small dog. Signs and symptoms include lameness which, if you notice it in your Great Dane, means that you must take it immediately to your veterinarian.


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